Faith-based Christian Counseling
“When we discover that God Himself is pursuing us to give us salvation, redemption and restoration we discover an amazing love story.”
What if you could see yourself the way God sees you, learn how He thinks about you and learn the secrets for living an abundant life?
In Romans the12th chapter verse 2 it says” Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”
In Christian counseling we learn how to see things from God’s perspective on the dilemmas and problems of life. When we choose to focus on His words and ways, we can transform ourselves from the inside out, by turning away from our ways and coming into agreement with what He says and learn to do life according to His blueprint.
Christian counseling is based on the belief that there is a loving, all-powerful God who is interested in each and every person and wants a deep and meaningful relationship with them.
When we discover that God Himself is pursuing us to give us salvation, redemption and restoration we discover an amazing love story.
My goal as a Christian counselor is to know God for myself and make Him known to others through His word so that my clients can have their own personal relationship with our father God, His son, Jesus Christ and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
He is the healer so we can go to Him with our pain, hurt, trauma, guilt, fear and loneliness and He is the one who binds up our wounds, restores our souls and heals our broken hearts.
He also has a great plan for each person that will trust and obey Him. My heart is to help my clients discover their own unique purpose and destiny and fulfill it as they discover that God breathed dream for their life.